A progressive rock band.

About Reflected Riddles

As a group of friends, the members of Reflected Riddles started sharing their mutual passion for music. Ever since their formation in the summer of 2006, they went on exploring their interests, motivating and influencing the development of the bands creativity. Reflected Riddles found their way within the progressive rock scene, inspired by a broad number of bands, mainly rooted in the genres symphonic/progressive rock, metal, and little bits of pop.

Left to right: Steve Lock (keys), Geert Boer (base), Corneel van Dam (drums), Walter Behr (guitar), Bram Nennie (vocal)

The name Reflected Riddles is based on the Scriptures, where it reads in 1 Corinthians 13:12:

For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, even as I was also fully known.

This verse speaks of our daily life: we don’t understand everything that happens, we cannot comprehend everything, but we do get to see small parts of God’s image and plan, like it’s trough a mirror, dimly, a cloudy picture. Even though there are many unanswered questions and mysteries, we’re already given some reflections of God’s greatness. Reflected Riddles speaks of hope and perspective, even though we don’t always see it.